In 1989 the 900 number started coming out you know talk to a hot sexy girl for $1.99 a minute since I already published a couple hundred dancers and did a lot of their portfolios I will talk to him into holding a phone and looking very sexy nude and semi nude we purchased a bunch of those numbers and got into that business I sharpened my skills to capture that face of seduction so the girls could hypnotize the men yes I’ll brag I became very good at it our 900 numbers we’re working off the charts if you ever got to listen to some of the conversations from our office it was hilarious this category right here you will see over 900 images you’ll get to see some of the girls that were on these cards you will also see the original gangsters from New Jersey and some very serious rum smuggling pirates from Key West all images on this category or either taken by my grandfather Captain Tony of Key West my great uncle Sal And myself we were all on a mission this is still an art project s