Besides great uncle Sal and myself being professional photographers it was also our passion and Hobby if we weren’t shooting pictures for money we were just shooting away anyway that’s why this family has over 90 years of incredible family portraits this is one of my favorites I have the glass slide and negative that’s three of my great aunts on the right my grandfather Captain Tony screaming in the background on the far left my great uncle Luigi captain Tony‘s younger brother bye 11 months those other two kids are my second cousins the year 1946 just before Captain Tony fled from New Jersey to hide out in Key West that’s a hell of a story This picture also tells 100 stories it’s a built-in swimming pool that Captain Tony built in back of his yard The reason why he built it is because he stole some industrial water pump filter from the Newark docks he was doing a lot of robbing those days and had a lot of connections of people who worked on those cargo ships