I was going through a couple of boxes of slides from Key West from 42 years ago 1979 Lisa that’s my wife on the left and I got very lucky to work with the famous advertising Photographer Dale Whitner I was the back up photographer and Lisa was one of the models we work for four days bikinis on the beach summer dresses on Duval Street it was a great time and I learned a lot from him and as far as Key West partying we all had a blast Lisa and I were living together back then she was 17 and I was 23 The good old times
When I opened up my first real Professional portrait studio in New Jersey in 1986 a photographer told me have a bunch of different backdrops but your most important backdrop will be just a boring wolf white color don’t use anything elaborate on these girls He was right the girls really stood out with this boring back drop Of course the girls want all the bright colors and stars but they always ended up liking the boring backdrop
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Live From The Field
Live From The Field