I was going through a couple of boxes of slides from Key West from 42 years ago 1979 Lisa that’s my wife on the left and I got very lucky to work with the famous advertising Photographer Dale Whitner I was the back up photographer and Lisa was one of the models we work for four days bikinis on the beach summer dresses on Duval Street it was a great time and I learned a lot from him and as far as Key West partying we all had a blast Lisa and I were living together back then she was 17 and I was 23 The good old times
When I opened up my first real Professional portrait studio in New Jersey in 1986 a photographer told me have a bunch of different backdrops but your most important backdrop will be just a boring wolf white color don’t use anything elaborate on these girls He was right the girls really stood out with this boring back drop Of course the girls want all the bright colors and stars but they always ended up liking the boring backdrop
In 2002 I spent close to two years editing my great uncle Sal‘s estate of art and photography over 25,000 large format negatives slides and prints I pulled out about 700 that I really like and could use on all the different projects I would be starting this negative right here with the young lady in the masks in the background in his studio in New York late 50s I have a whole series of these I love them 65 of these masks are in our house in fact why am posting this image on this website six of them are looking down on me they’re the ones with all the crazy special ingredients in the papier-mâché mix I really have to ease off On these gummy bears
I photographed in hundreds of strip clubs in the tri-state area for the magazines I worked for I got to meet thousands of dancers and hundreds of a bar owners bartenders bouncers and waitresses what a crazy world this photo right here was interesting because it was a club in Brooklyn called Cheatas It was a full nude juice bar the only thing that the answers wore was leopard shoes completely naked the reason why they could do that is they didn’t serve liquor so anything that stage was considered art they always had eight spectacular girls on stage totally naked and 20 cocktail waitresses walking around with just leopard shoes it cost $20 to get in and you had a buy a six pack of Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper they also had water for you three dollars a bottle but that place was packed They were one of my big advertisers
Sorry about this bragging thing but it’s the only way I could describe one of my photography sites and my image bank of New York I spent 30 years on the streets of New York City I also covered hundreds of events parties and some pretty swanky soirées the interesting thing about the 65,000 photos I added them out of 300,000 it turned out to be a lifetime project for me and it’s still in the works portraitsofnewyork.com and my image bank of New York mia5.com Another very unique thing is every photo has been taken by me and nobody else I believe I have the largest collection of people in New York City and that timeframe than any other photographer nobody can touch my numbers
Back in 1950 we were entering the Korean War great uncle Sal was called upon by the OSS that was CIA back then they wanted him to go undercover as a photographer for the seafarers union which she did legit back in the mid-40s after the second world war Anyway Sal was fortunate to take two trips around the world Photographing all ships in transit in the international waterways and also visiting new ports everywhere He took some amazing photos had about 30 of them Published not this one of course