Over 20 years ago I inherited my great uncle Sal’s art estate he was a famous mask maker mind reader piano player also well known published photographer and hypnotist He was making masks as far back as the mid 30s these two dominatrix bitches were made in the 40s lots of crazy special ingredients in […]
Whenever I did somebody’s portfolio in the studio I would take them out on the streets of Manhattan to do some street candidates this photo is about 13 years old back then the cops in Time Square would pose with you now they don’t do any of that I love this photo check out my […]
Shortly before Robin Williams killed himself…
I have been very lucky in my photography career which spans over 42 years since my grandfather and great uncle Sal were kind of famous people I got to meet a lot of famous celebrities and even hang out with them Tennessee Williams, Shel Silverstein, Jimmy Buffett, Clarence Clemons, it’s a pretty long list but […]
pictures on t-shirts…
Me a peeping tom? nah
New York New York
I have been a published photographer for over 42 years 30 years of it was spent in New York City after my Key West adventures in those 30 years I have taking over a quarter million photographs end published A incredible amount I also did over 1000 portfolios worked for a bunch of different studios […]
Sunset-sunrise in Key West
Over 40 years ago I used to take sunset and sunrise photos in Key West it’s probably the easiest photograph to take I ended up selling an publishing hundreds of them even did a couple posters I was very lucky to hook up with Kennedy studios in Key West at one point I had 12 […]
The Jersey mob
New Jersey is famous for its mob guys not too much these days but in the 30s to the 70s we had more connected people than ears of corn and we are the garden state this is one of my grandfathers partners back in the early 40s in 1947 they went their separate ways he […]