In 1925 my great uncle Sal was 14 years old he was already thrown out of the school of Saint Anthony’s he was either mouthing off to teachers and telling them what The answer was or doing nude sculptures of his father having sex with the live-in maid captain Tony was also thrown out of that school and believe it or not when I attended there I was thrown out the church knew all about the family because of Sal dressing up as the devil and claiming the Surrounding scaffolding around the church steeple that they were working on long story short they try to do a private exorcism on him this is true Sal ended up working for the church that’s where he learned how to play the organ piano, by ear he learn all the Italian operas and any song he wanted to memorize that’s what he became a professional performer at the age of 16 reading minds and playing the piano by 17 he was booked in Chicago New York and New Jersey He did have a little vacation in Rahway state prison the juvenile divisio